5 Crazy Things We Still Can’t Shake About Lost

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You may have forgotten by now, as it’s been off the air for 15 years, but Lost was probably one of the most enthralling shows to ever grace our TV sets.

Remember Jack and Kate roaming a tiny island for six incredible seasons? Yeah, it was pretty unforgettable, from the plane crash to “the Others”, a lot went down on that zany character-driven sci-fi drama.

Of course, some things were a bit crazier than others.

There’s never a bad time to reflect on what an amazing show Lost was, but if you’re like me, you go back and explore old shows at times. Whether it’s a full revisit where you watch the entire series again, or you’re just reading up on it for fun, digging back into a mind-bending series like Lost never disappoints.

Ready to reminisce? Here’s a look at the five craziest things about Lost that I just can’t shake.

1. The Polar Bear

The band of misfits we eventually grew to love was initially pretty normal. They had a plane crash, they were on a deserted island, and they were simply trying to survive.

Until they ran into a freaking polar bear.

Side note: if you for some reason thought polar bears were cute and friendly, you’d be sadly mistake. They will eat your face off.

But really, what the heck was a polar bear doing in the middle of a tropical island? That mind-boggling question eventually grew to be pretty pointless, but it opened up a major can of worms.

In other words, it poked at our brain, immediately revealing that Lost was not your run of the mill TV show. We were in for quite a ride, as it turns out.

2. The Alternate Timeline

There’s the flash forward and going back in time, and then there’s going sideways. That’s the mind F Lost handed us in the final season, as we got to know alternate versions of our characters in a different timeline.

It was all very confusing, especially as the characters slowly began learning of their original timeline, and how they were all supposedly connected.

None of it made sense at first, but the slow burn that revealed a deeper connection was rather profound, and it made for a pretty intense ending.

How good the ending was can be debated to the moon and back, but incorporating this interesting narrative did make it better than it probably would have been.

3. Time Travel

Speaking of alternate timelines, fans of Lost got the script flipped on them in season five, when the island traveled through time.

It was quite the trip, as we got to see younger versions of specific characters, the beginnings of the island, and parts of storylines we otherwise wouldn’t be privy to.

Lost was already a sci-fi phenomenon, but they really upped the ante by bringing the show back in time. It was a fun way to get viewers further, erm, lost, while also answering a litany of questions about the island’s origins and some beloved characters.

4. The Hatch

One of the biggest “say what” moments in Lost history was the discovery of the hatch. We learn a bit about the history of the hatch, Locke’s fascination with digging it up, and ultimately our island dwellers break into it.

There is also a connection with Hurley’s winning lottery numbers, and the group also meets the stranded Desmond, who has had to constantly press a button.

Locke picks up the mantle temporarily, all with the idea of saving the world from destruction in mind.

We later learn Desmond believe his monitoring (or lack thereof) of the clock in the hatch may have been the very thing that cause the plane crash, too.

We don’t learn much more beyond that, and the hatch is even destroyed eventually.

5. The Smoke Monster

Every fascinating or crazy thing we can’t forget about Lost has either spawned more mystery, or has been used as a catalyst to further the story.

Perhaps the craziest thing we remember from Lost? The Smoke Monster.

The Smoke Monster made its debut with everyone else in the show’s pilot episode, and terrorized the group from time to time throughout the series. It not only was impossible to stop or figure out, but it made a troubling sound every time it roamed the island.

To make matters worse, it enjoyed killing people.

While the show could have stopped there, The Smoke Monster took on greater meaning. It was later revealed that he was actually The Man in Black, a long-time resident of the island who was changed into this new entity.

He’s basically pure evil, and he was able to travel as the smoke, or morph into other individuals. That gave way to a massive storyline late in the series, and some question if the show took too much of a wrong turn with this idea.

Whatever the case, there’s no denying The Smoke Monster was one of the crazier things about Lost, and it certainly was an original idea.

Truth be told, there are a lot of memorable things about Lost that left their mark. Got a few more worth talking about? Let’s hear it in the comments.

Scott Bondiful


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