Ranking the Top 5 Chris Hemsworth Movies You Need to Watch Next

Chris Hemsworth at comic con

Chris Hemsworth is undeniably one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. Like, literally, the dude is huge.

He’s also a mega star in every sense of the word. He’s Thor, for crying out loud. But he’s much more than just one iconic comic book hero, as Hemsworth has excelled in numerous roles, with some not even relying on his muscles.

It’s completely subjective, but I’ve seen most of Chris Hemsworth’s movies, and thought I’d compile a list of his films I think everyone needs to watch at least once (or even again).

With that, here are Chris Hemsworth’s best movies you should check out as soon as possible if you haven’t already.

5. Spiderhead (2022)

I’ll start off my best Chris Hemsworth movies list with a borderline unknown commodity in Spiderhead.

The Netflix original is quite the shift from what we’re used to seeing out of Hemsworth, which plays a big part in why I think it cracks his top-5.

Hemsworth plays a twisted drug mogul who experiments on criminals in order to perfect his drug. What the drug is, how he goes about perfecting it, and how the movie ends, well, you’ll have to watch to find out.

However, Hemsworth toes the line of eager scientist and utter sicko in this one, and is aided – and very nearly upstaged – by a sobering Miles Teller.

Spiderhead is criminally underrated and got a terrible Rotten Tomatoes score, but Hemsowrth is rock solid in an unorthodox setting, and the movie itself is edgy and engaging.

4. Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)

Another of of Chris Hemsworth’s best movies probably won’t make the cut on more mainstream lists, but it certainly should.

Unlike Spiderhead, Bad Times at the El Royale at least grades out well, with Rotten Tomatoes handing it a fine 74% score.

That is not a rating that will deter anyone; nor should it. Here’s the breakdown from RT:

Smart, stylish, and packed with solid performances, Bad Times at the El Royale delivers pure popcorn fun with the salty tang of social subtext.

Rotten Tomatoes

That sums up a pretty fun flick, and one that is loaded with elite acting talent across the board.

The unflappable Jeff Bridges leads the charge, and is joined by heavy-hitters like Jon Hamm, Cynthia Erivo, Dakota Johnson, and of course, Hemsworth.

Bad Times at the El Royale isn’t Hemsworth’s best feature where he does all of the heavy-lifting, but he’s part of a fantastic cast and plays a nice role in a really fun story.

3. Extraction (2020)

Speaking of fun, my next top Chris Hemsworth film that you need to see immediately if you haven’t is another Netflix baby in Extraction.

Unlike Spiderhead, though, Extraction was well-received by the critics, earning a quality 67% rating.

It arguably should have scored even better, as Extraction combines some really touching dramatic themes with impeccable action sequences.

No doubt about it, Extraction hangs it’s hat on Hemsworth being a total bad ass, and having zero hesitance about killing anyone who gets in his way.

Hemsworth is a refined solider carrying out an intense mission, where his only real goal is to keep a child alive.

There are undertones of depression, guilt, and redemption throughout, giving Extraction a bit more heart and brain than you’d come to expect from your usual shoot’em up flick.

It was so good in fact, that a sequel is on it’s way.

2. Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Could I just have a list of Avengers movings taking up the bulk of my Chris Hemsworth movie rankings?

Why, yes, yes I could. And nobody would call me out for it, either.

As fair as it might be to do so, I felt that could be a bit boring. If you needed the nudge, here it is; go see every Avengers movie if you already haven’t, as they’re all amazing.

The best has to be the last installment, however.

Not only is it the last Avengers movie we’ve gotten to this point, but it’s so dramatic and intense, that is also appropriately garnered the best rating of any Avengers film.

It also happens to be Chris Hemsworth’s best movie in terms of critic score.

Hemsworth’s Thor is just one piece to the puzzle, but he’s as good as ever – and also quite hilarious – as he packs the doubling punch of humor and brawn.

A perfectly cast Thor, Hemsworth carved out quite the niche despite battling other superstars for screen time on a massive stage. Of course, nothing beats Thor in his own feature film…

1. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Here is it. You can for a list of Chris Hemsworth’s best movies, and I’m pointing you to his best ever film.

That admittedly is not the case if you ask Rotten Tomatoes or other film rating sites. Thor: Ragnarok actually has the third best rating among Chris Hemsworth’s top movies (93%), but I’d say it’s still pretty stellar.

And it’s also funny as hell.

Thor: Love and Thunder was the follow-up (and the fourth Thor feature film) that I’d say failed miserably, but it’s predecessor was a smash hit thanks to it’s Avengers feel and penchant for humor.

Largely lighthearted and upbeat, Thor: Ragnarok was basically a buddy cop superhero movie with a sharp comedic tone. Hemsworth was as hilarious as ever, Jeff Goldblum was a scene-stealer, and we still got plenty of action and drama.

There are other Chris Hemsworth movies that are more serious or have more action. But the most enjoyable movie he’s ever made is easily Ragnarok.

I definitely left out some really good Chris Hemsworth movies. There are other Thor and Avengers flicks to consider, there’s Rush, quite frankly, several more.

However, my list of the best Chris Hemsworth movies does feature five films you absolutely need to see. Did your favorite Chris Hemsworth movie make the cut? Think my order is all jacked up? Share your take in the comments below.

Scott Bondiful


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