5 Robert Pattinson Movies You Need to See That Aren’t The Batman

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson fandom is a bit out of control these days. I don’t mean people shouldn’t be clamoring over the brilliant (and criminally underrated) actor.

I just mean that the love for the surging Hollywood star is unfairly divided.

Either we’re prisoner of the moment and already putting him atop our Batman rankings, or we’re judging him for work in his youth via Harry Potter or Twilight.

The reality is Pattinson is arguably one of the best actors on the Hollywood circuit on this point, and there is a lot of his work you probably haven’t seen – but need to.

With that, I’ll dodge his most popular work and point you to the best Robert Pattinson movies you’re missing out on.

1. The Lighthouse (2019)

Let’s get the ball rolling with The Lighthouse, which is a black and white psychological horror involving, well, a lighthouse, some mermaids, and two disgruntled dudes.

One of the dudes is Pattinson, and he collaborates with a moody Willem Dafoe to give us a late 19th century gem.

The movie itself is dark, with both characters unraveling over time as they try to navigate the oddities of spending time together isolated in a cramped lighthouse.

The Lighthouse is revered (90% rating on Rotten Tomatoes) and Pattinson delivered perhaps a career best performance.

2. Good Time (2017)

The Lighthouse may offer Pattinson’s best movie in terms of sheer acting ability, but Good Time comes awfully close. It also scored slightly better (91%) in the eyes of the critics.

This movie follows Pattinson as Connie Nikas, who happens to be a bank robber on the run. Throughout the movie we get to experience the criminal underworld in an ugly and gritty film that features the worst side of Pattinson.

Pattinson’s ability to craft a morally erratic character that we still enjoy following is impressive enough on it’s own, but the flow and suspense of the film also keeps you drawn in until the very end.

3. Tenet (2020)

The critics weren’t enthralled with Tenet (69%), but there’s a good chance it’s because they didn’t fully follow it.

Another Christopher Nolan gem, Tenet deals with time travel in a fast-paced sci-fi action flick that also stars John David Washington.

Washington takes the lead here, but Pattinson is his useful sidekick that assists him every step of the way as the duo hope to fend of the start of World War III.

Kenneth Branagh and Aaron Taylor-Johnson also steal some scenes in perhaps Robert Pattinson’s most underrated movie.

4. The King (2019)

I don’t know what it is about small roles, but Robert Pattinson is attached to a lot of overlooked movies where he isn’t on screen a ton, but leaves a lasting mark.

His impact is very much felt in The King, which admittedly is mostly about the rise of Timothe Chalumet’s character, as well as a surging war.

Pattinson’s wisecracks are of the scene-stealing variety, making a truly abhorrent character weirdly likeable.

It’s an underrated period piece that is also aided by the appearance of Joel Edgerton and some elite pacing by director David Michod.

Still, Pattinson is the big bad that does not disappoint in the least when it comes to his ruthlessness and vulnerability.

5. High Life (2018)

While some of Robert Pattinson’s best movies have him playing smaller roles, he has also proven time and again he’s just as strong as the lead.

That’s certainly the case in High Life, where he’s tasked with trying to survive with his daughter after a disastrous space mission renders them borderline hopeless.

On their own, Pattinson (Monte) and his baby daughter navigate a sobering and lonely reality that director Claire Denis oddly enough wraps in beauty and relatability.

Here’s what Deep Focus reviewer Brian Eggert had to say about it:

It may be too lofty to call High Life a microcosm of humanity; then again, it may not be.

Brian Eggert of Deep Focus Review

Pattinson is tasked with carrying this movie and he passes with flying colors. It’s not a film that’s for everyone (42% audience rating), but it’s highly arguable it’s an artistic gem.

If you love a good slow burn and/or want to see Pattinson at his arguable best, High Life is a must-see.

Other Robert Pattinson Movies to Watch

  • Water for Elephants (2011)
  • Cosmopolis (2012)
  • The Devil All the Time (2020)
  • The Rover (2014)
  • The Lost City of Z (2016)

I’ll leave you with a list of some more good Robert Pattinson movies that are worth a watch.

Water for Elephants is an underrated love story involving a traveling circus, and it marked a bit of a breakout for Pattinson beyond his contributions to the Harry Potter and Twilight franchises.

It’s a pretty moving film that also features Reese Witherspoon and scored a 60% on Rotten Tomatoes.

There’s also Cosmopolis (67%) and The Devil All the Time (65%), which didn’t quite make the cut of my top 5 Robert Pattinson films, but deserve a mention.

Pattinson plays a young billionaire who navigates a collapsing empire from the back of his high-tech limo.

Despite being cold and lacking much change in scenery, this underrated movie is perhaps the first true showcase of Pattinson’s elite acting ability.

In fact, it was his ability to effectively pull off a rich playboy so well that originally had me sold he’d make a perfect Batman.

A smaller role for Pattinson exists in The Devil All the Time, where he plays a questionable preacher with a dark secret. He isn’t remotely likable, but he does a brilliant job with the character and the movie (65%) also stars Tom Holland and is fairly underrated.

You can also witness Pattinson wager mental war with Guy Pierce in The Rover, or play Charlie Hunnam’s sidekick in The Lost City of Z. Both films were received well by critics and disregarded by audiences, so just be aware of what you’re getting into.

There are a few more Robert Pattinson flicks out there, but I only wanted to go over the ones I deemed the very best. More are sure to be on the way, and I’ll update the list as needed.

Got a favorite Robert Pattinson movie of your own or love/hate my list? Let me hear it in the comments below! And if you like this type of content, here are a few more “best” lists for some top actors.

Scott Bondiful


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