5 Actors Who Could Be the Next Batman – Jon Hamm and 4 Others

  • James Gunn is on the prowl for another actor to play Batman in The Brave and The Bold.
  • Jon Hamm heads this list of potential actors equipped to be the next Batman actor.
  • A slightly younger actor that could make sense as the new Batman is Luke Evans.

While Robert Pattinson is already near the top of anyone’s Batman actor rankings, he is not part of James Gunn’s vision for the DCU.

The Batman will stand on it’s own, and the planned The Brave and The Bold will feature a brand new Bruce Wayne/Batman actor that will take part in the reborn DCU.

So, who will it be?

We know it won’t be Ben Affleck, and it’s been suggested that Batman will be in his prime, accompanied by Robin.

There are a lot of actors capable of playing Batman, but I’ve compiled a list of five that really would give this franchise reboot some serious juice.

Since it’s in the same universe, you can also take a look at actors that could be the new Joker. For now, let’s dive into some viable Batman candidates.

Jon Hamm

Just how old can we go here? Obviously the new Batman is a father figure, which means he’d have to be a lot older than Pattinson’s version and more advanced in his crime fighting timeline.

Hamm could be pushing it at age 52, but he’s also not exactly ancient.

In theory, he could be the perfect fit, as we got a first hand look of his ability to play a billionaire playboy in The Morning Show, and he has the look and body of an action star.

It’s certainly an idea that has been teased before.

Hamm was also a bit of a badass in The Town, and his known traits of being a bit snarky and smug (save for an appearance on Curb Your Enthusiasm that is hilarious) would have him fit right in here.

If The Bold and The Brave prefer to go a bit younger for realistic longevity in the new franchise, I get it.

However, if the DCU wants an older Batman to tell a different story, Jon Hamm as Batman is about as good of a pick as any.

Jake Gyllenhaal

A bit of a more mainstream option to play Batman next is Gyllenhaal. Okay, he’s way more mainstream, and pretty much nobody would be sad about this.

Gyllenhaal is one of the best actors in Hollywood, and he crushes his only superhero role as the villainous Mysterio in Spider-man: No Way Home.

He could do the exact opposite here, as Gyllenhaal has the looks and charm to effectively play Bruce Wayne, but also has the physique and action-film experience to nail playing the Caped Crusader.

Heck, he literally was in the conversation to play this role already.

It remains to be seen if James Gunn feels the same away about Gyllenhaal as Batman, of course.

Gyllenhaal is admittedly not the first guy you think of when talking about a father figure, but he’s actually now 42, so he’s old enough to make that idea passable.

Nicholas Hoult

Hamm is 52 and Gyllenhaal is 42. It’s possible both are great Batman candidates, but either aren’t the perfect fit or are a tad too old.

I can see that, especially if Gunn and co. want a new Batman that can be old enough to have a grown child, but young enough to mature with the rebooted franchise.

Enter Hoult, who has enough name recognition and acting prowess to have already been considered for for this role.

Hoult is not exactly the most imposing presence and doesn’t have an amazing action-flick resume, but the kid can act, and he does have the look and feel of a rich guy.

The only issue for me is he’s just 33 years old.

Hoult makes perfect sense as a Batman in his prime, but is he old enough to have a grown Robin joining him out on the streets? That could make him a tough sell for this specific version of The Dark Knight.

Karl Urban

If Hoult isn’t old enough, we can go back to an older option that would be a ton of fun.

Karl Urban’s star is back on the rise thanks to his killer performance in The Boys, and we know what he’s capable of after carrying Dredd.

Urban has excelled in action movies before, he’s got the looks and charm to play Bruce Wayne effectively, and he can be downright savage.

Perhaps the next Batman needs to be older, more grizzly, and a bit more of a brute. Few actors can play that version of the Caped Crusader as flawlessly as Urban when you really think about it.

Luke Evans

One more fantastic candidate to play Batman next is Luke Evans. He’s not as big of a star as Gyllenhaal or Hamm, and he’s not quite as gruff as Urban, but he’s got everything else.

He’s honestly the perfect age at just 44, and there’s no denying he has the looks and physique to play this dual role character.

Oh, and he’s had plenty of experience in action movies. Perhaps his most telling performance came in Dracula: Untold.

Evans is a great option to play Batman next, especially if we still want this character to simply be confident, cool, and good-looking.

He passes the eye test and has the acting ability to crush this role. Much like Urban, he’d also give us a darker, more brooding take on this iconic superhero.

Other Potential Batman Actors

  • Jensen Ackles
  • Ben Barnes
  • Jamie Dornan
  • Richard Armitrage

I could go on and on listing actors that could be the next Batman. The list above displays a few big names circulating the internet that fans or movie experts like in this role.

I’m not really in agreement, of course, otherwise I’d have slid them into my top 5 next Batman candidates.

Ultimately, my favorite pick to earn this role is Luke Evans.

He embodies what it is to be both Bruce Wayne and Batman, he fits the bill of an in-his-prime crime fighter, and he’s also old enough to lend a helpful hand to his young sidekick.

Again, there are so many viable actors that could be the next Batman. If you’ve got a few good ideas of your own that I haven’t touched on, feel free to toss them into the comments below.

Rex Ferder


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