3 Reasons Why a Stranger Things Movie Absolutely Needs to Happen

Stranger Things pumpkin carving
  • A Stranger Things movie would expand the show’s universe in a way the series can’t.
  • With the cast growing on screen before our eyes, story possibilities are endless.
  • Money and fan demand are two huge reasons a Stranger Things movie is realistic.

Few TV series have a leg up over massive Netflix hit, Stranger Things. The show has gotten so popular, in fact, that Walmart is now selling pizzas that debuted in the show.

And you thought the Upside Down was crazy.

In all seriousness, Stranger Things has taken over our lives and is one of the most binge-worthy shows in existence.

The wild part? It’s very possible it isn’t remotely close to being done.

The mere fact that the show willingly went on hiatus to perfect a time jump could illustrate it’s desire to go bigger and badder in the not too distant future.

Could that lead to a much-hyped Stranger Things movie? We can’t rule it out.

While Millie Bobby Brown has said no to continuing her role past the coming final season of the show, it’s impossible not to imagine this show produced on an even greater scale.

With that, here are three reasons why a Stranger Things movie has to happen.

A Stranger Things Movie Would Expand the Cinematic Universe

The number one reason why a Stranger Things movie should be made? There’s still so much story to tell, and there are some limitations to what you can do on a TV show budget.

There are a lot of different theories about how Stranger Things ends it’s television run, but so far nothing has guaranteed the series finale has to fully end the story.

We do know it’ll be one heck of a doozy, though.

Making a Stranger Things feature film would eradicate that limitation, while the series could be prolonged with future movies, as needed.

It’s crazy what the Duffer Brothers have accomplished already with the budget restrictions and resource limitations they’ve faced. Just imagine what a powerful story they could tell with nothing holding them back.

On top of that, the sheer ability to piece together one massive and cohesive story (or several through additional films) has to be appealing.

The Duffer Brothers and co. have mastered the art of story-telling through a TV show, but it’d be very interesting to see them weave everything together in stand alone feature films.

The Main Cast Can Grow with the Story

One major perk of the Stranger Things cast is they are all still pretty young. The series began by following most of them as kids, and while they’re all approaching or have reached adulthood, they haven’t even hit their acting primes.

There could legitimately be several Stranger Things movies on the horizon, and we could be further engulfed in an ever-evolving story before most of these people even turned 30.

I’d imagine at some point some of the older characters would be killed off or written out of the show, while a movie could always give way to new generations within the franchise.

One of the major roadblocks to continuing a franchise is often the age of a cast. That simply would not be a real issue when looking at producing more Stranger Things content going forward.

Fans Would Flock to See it in Theaters

One of the biggest reasons why I can see a Stranger Things movie happening? Most fans of the show want to see it.

The Duffer Brothers have made fans wait more than they’d like between new seasons, and the story has always been so engrossing that few people end up quitting the show.

Die hard fans would flock to the theater to pay to see whatever spectacle a Stranger Things movie ends up becoming – for better or for worse.

The old expression “if you build it, he will come” from Field of Dreams most certainly applies here.

While it’s possible the Stranger Things show wraps things up neatly with a bow – and trust artists worry about over-staying their welcome – there’s no doubt most would greet more Stranger Things stories with open arms.

If the people want it, the odds are decent it’ll keep getting churned out.

There is Major Money to Be Made

You know when you’ve got a hit, and I gotta say, Netflix has a hit.

Especially in a time where streaming services are getting ultra competitive, raising subscription fees, losing subscribers, and seeing the theater roar back to life, I don’t know why you’d let go of a money-maker.

Perhaps a Stranger Things movie gets put on ice for a bit to allow the series finale to marinate, but I doubt it’d be for long.

Supply and demand is a heck of a drug, people. The harsh reality is Netflix probably should not get cute here, and as long as the story is good and they can retain most of the cast, making a Stranger Things movie should be a non-discussion.

Will a Stranger Things Movie Get Made?

One more season why we can’t rule out a Stranger Things movie? Because nobody attached to the show has firmly said it won’t happen.

And why would they? Netflix could still force money down their throats, while we don’t even know how the series itself will come to a close.

There has also been talk about possible Stranger Things spin-offs. Considering we have gotten Breaking Bad spin offs, we need to think about how Stranger Things could extend it’s universe, too.

Could that come in the form of some type of Stranger Things movie? It’s absolutely a possibility.

I can’t say in what capacity we’ll get it, but at some point, a Stranger Things movie will probably be made.

Want to discuss who you think would be in it and what it’d be about? Tell me your thoughts in the comments section!

Alex Marps


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