5 Reasons Why Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine Makes Sense

Wolverine marvel graphic
  • Daniel Radcliffe has been connected to Wolverine, but the actor hasn’t taken rumors seriously.
  • While the Harry Potter star’s interest in the role is unknown, he actually could be a perfect fit.
  • Radcliffe’s underrated physique, acting ability, and blockbuster success make him a good candidate.

Not everyone is down with Harry Potter being the next Wolverine. It’s naturally tougher to come to grips with an eventual new Wolverine when the original actor – Hugh Jackman – is officially back to play the role again.

Jackman’s days with the claws and weird haircut are numbered, though.

Not only is his character very much dead in this universe, but he’s personally now in his mid 50s and simply can’t stay his shredded self forever.

In comes someone like Radcliffe, who has fought off Wolverine rumors for quite some time now. So, why fight any longer?

Should Daniel Radcliffe be the next actor to play Wolverine? There’s at least five good reasons why I’d personally like to see it happen.

The Dude is Freaking Jacked

At least according to Hugh Jackman, a prerequisite to playing the role of Wolverine is to be in the best physical shape of your life.

I don’t think it’s an absolute must, but I’ll agree it’d be staying true to the character in the comics. It’s a lot of hard work, though, especially if you’re not using something extra to get you over the hump.

While Jackman is still the man with the claws, it’s fair to say the Daniel Radcliffe Wolverine rumors won’t quiet down when it comes to the shape he’s in.

The guy is not known for being jacked, but as you can see above, that’s precisely what he is.

Daniel Radcliffe may never play Wolverine, but there’s absolutely no denying he’s built himself up to the point where he’s physically looking the part.

It’s a Casting A Lot of People Want to See

Okay, maybe it’s just Sandra Bullock. And me. And a bunch of Harry Potter fans. But there are people out there who see the potential with Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine, and they’re willing to fight for it.

Bullock certainly has, at least.

Does that actually mean Daniel Radcliffe will be the next Wolverine? Of course not, and maybe it’s not even the best reason to argue why he should be.

It is, however, a start.

Bullock is coming to bat for an established star who has elite acting talent and could potentially crush this role. I know you came for more than one reason, though, and certainly more than Bullock trending for her loud proclamation that Radcliffe should be cast as Wolverine.

Unlikely Castings Often Work Out

One reason the Daniel Radcliffe Wolverine rumors won’t die out? People like unfamiliarity.

To those of you who are still unsure of Daniel Radcliffe as the next Wolverine, just think about the unlikely actors who have excelled as superheroes or villains in the past.

  • Heath Ledger as Joker
  • Robert Pattinson as Batman
  • Josh Brolin as Thanos

I don’t think many would disagree that these castings were ultimately strong to perfect.

But before these actors crushed these roles, there was some pushback as to whether they could actually get the job done.

What was the main thing in common for them (and so many others), though? Elite acting talent. Much like the actors listed above, Radcliffe is a fully established Hollywood star, and he absolutely has the talent to make some magic happen here.

We’ve Seen Radcliffe in Action Sequences

Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine already has some legs thanks to my points above, but I’m not done yet.

Jumping from Hogwarts to the X-Men is certainly something, but let’s not pretend Radcliffe hasn’t excelled in action scenes in the past.

Obviously he had his fair share of action sequences in the Harry Potter franchise, but he’s since proven himself capable of stepping up in a more bad ass way.

Remember him in Guns Akimbo?

Daniel Radcliffe kicking some ass in Guns Akimbo.

That is perhaps the most extreme example of Radcliffe’s ability to play a role like Wolverine, but he’s had numerous roles that asked him to step outside of his wheelhouse.

Roles in Escape from Pretoria, Beast of Burden, and Jungle are just a few that allowed Radcliffe to showcase his versatility and allowed him to distance himself from his Harry Potter days.

Radcliffe Has Carried a Franchise Before

The reality is the main reason people might not be sold on Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine is the very fact that he achieved his stardom via the Harry Potter franchise.

It’s a weird slam, though, seeing as he flat our carried that iconic series, and also excelled in action scenes every step of the way.

Does Radcliffe still have some work to do to shed the persona of a borderline nerdy guy who can’t take on the bad guys?
Sure, but he has already taken several steps to do just that, and there’s no denying his acting ability.

Is Radcliffe a lock to play Wolverine? No, and he’s not the perfect casting as he stands. He’d need to shed the glasses, bulk up a bit, and find the right voice and approach.

And hey, despite publicly giving mixed signals on his interest in the role, he’d have to firmly come to a decision as to how much he’d like to do it. Then Hollywood would have to want him, as well.

That said, the stars are slowly aligning for Daniel Radcliffe to be the next Wolverine. And if it actually happens, I wouldn’t be that sad about it.

Rex Ferder


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