Why Sasha Calle is Perfect as the New Supergirl (And Should Star in Woman of Tomorrow)


The Flash didn’t just give DC fans an epic feature film for one of the comic book world’s most underrated characters; it also gave a secondary character new life.

Yes, The Flash is wild, ambitious, and nostalgic. It’s also a launchpad for a possible superstar in Sasha Calle.

Better known as the new Supergirl, Calle proves to be a professional scene-steal in The Flash, and very well may set things up for a stand alone franchise of her own. Here’s why:

This is the Best Supergirl We’ve Ever Seen

I’m not trying to take anything away from the original 1984 Supergirl movie starring Helen Slater or the more recent series starring Melissa Benoist.

Both actresses did a fine job in their own way, and both the movie in the series were plenty entertaining. But they definitely didn’t take chances, stuck to the comics, and gave us a very traditional take on the character and her story.

Calle was not as traditional casting. She’s not white, she has dark hair, and her costume is very different.

None of that should have ever dictated who got this role, however, and it’s a good thing the decision-makers behind The Flash thought with a broader scope.

Calle’s look and performance were both refreshing and convincing. She was simply the best candidate for this role, and she absolutely knocked it out of the park.

I could go on and on about how badass she was and how much emotional depth she brought to the table, but the reality is she’s the coolest, most convincing Supergirl we’ve ever seen.

Calle Wanted This Role Badly – And it Showed

Not only did Sasha Calle crush the role as Supergirl, but this type of role was on her career vision board.

She viewed Gal Gadot’s performance as Wonder Woman as one to strive for, and she was understandably emotional when she received the news of getting the gig.

Just as important, she trained vigorously to pull off a litany of difficult stunts, and her hard work was evident in the finished product.

People are raving about her performance in The Flash, and it has everything to do with her raw acting ability, as well as her undying work ethic.

Calle also knew the history of the character, and has been incredibly unassuming when it comes to conversations revolving around the planned Supergirl movie.

Obviously Calle should (and certainly does) want that role, as well, but given the complex nature of the story being told in The Flash, that’s far from a given.

That said, her talent has shone through, and if the producers can figure out a way to make it work, she should be rewarded with this role moving forward throughout the DCU.

Outside of the Box Castings Should Be the Norm

Almost as important as Sasha Calle truly wanting this role (and absolutely crushing it) is the fact that her hiring went away from what Hollywood had been notorious for.

The idea that only certain actors or actresses can play a role – or that characters should only be portrayed or presented a certain way – is incredibly antiquated.

Kudos to The Flash for getting insanely creative from top to bottom. I just hope it doesn’t stop here, especially if it can produce amazing performances like what we saw with Calle playing Supergirl.

She never looked like Supergirl without the costume on, and even when donning the red and blue with the cape, she still wasn’t familiar.

That’s a good thing, though, because she gave us the best version of this character we’ve ever seen.

Hollywood needs to find the best talent – period.

They did that when they cast Sashe Calle as Supergirl, and they’d be wise to allow her to continue carrying the torch in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Alex Marps


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