4 Reasons Why Idris Elba Should Be the Next James Bond

Idris Elba speaking at the world economic forum annual meeting

James Bond as an iconic of a movie role as anyone will come across. It’s weirdly among the top movie roles Hugh Jackman has turned down, and I’m sure he’s not the only actor to make that mistake.

Playing Bond is a mixed bag. You absolutely need the acting chops to deliver the goods – Bond is sophisticated, charming, and cool under pressure – but you also need the toughness and physicality to sell the action sequences.

That’s a big reason why people always wonder over who will play the role next. It’s partially about the possible star power that comes into the role, but also about who could actually handle it from all angles.

One such option is Idris Elba. There have definitely been Idris Elba James Bond rumors for some time now, with the actor at least once denying the possibility of it happening.

There’s also whispers that Hollywood is looking to start fresh with a younger version of the character. While that all could be true, there are a lot of fans out there would who love to see Idris Elba as the next James Bond.

Here’s three reasons why it should happen.

1. You Won’t Find a Better Actor to Play Bond

Whoever plays James Bond needs to be able to act. You have to be convincing when flirting with women, when staring evil in the face, when gambling, and engaging in intense action sequences.

Elba has proven he can do all of that. On a very high level, he’s an esteemed acting talent, having racked up numerous Emmy Awards nominations for his role of Luther.

If you couldn’t tell, Elba’s work as the grizzly detective makes him a perfect candidate to play Bond. Of course, his acting range stretches much further than executing a similar character.

Elba has carried suspenseful films, and even delivered a career-defining performance in Beasts of No Nation.

Not just an easy face to look at or a huge movie star; Elba can flat out act, and he’d give James Bond perhaps it’s greatest natural talent it’s ever seen.

2. Elba Has Proven He Can Handle the Action

Okay, so we know by now that Idris Elba can play James Bond based on sheer acting ability.

He can act at a very high level, he’s carried a successful series, he’s delivered Oscar-worthy performances, and he’s even been seen in a similar role.

I inched toward it, but here’s another very big reason why Elba would be perfect for James Bond; he would crush the action sequences.

Check him out as Bloodsport if you haven’t already.

Seriously, I know Elba is now 50 years old, but age is truly just a number when it comes to this guy.

He’s a hulking force that demands attention when he’s on the screen, and there’s nothing from an action scene perspective he wouldn’t be able to handle.

3. There’s Nothing Wrong with Some Change

Okay, the elephant in the room; Idris Elba isn’t white and to this point, James Bond has only been played by white men.

Count me down for who cares.

I know that the character of James Bond is said to be a white British male. The producers doubled down on that once the conversation of a possible female 007 came up.

To be fair, this does play into why Elba has previously been reluctant to buy into the hype surrounding him potentially playing James Bond.

The possible backlash and media circus would be a lot to handle, for sure.

Even so, Elba would be an even bigger star than he already is in this role. It’d also open the floodgates to actors of all races possibly donning the suit and tie in the future – let alone other popular movie roles that previously were only played by one race.

It’d be a major tone shift in the franchise, and one fans should welcome.

4. He Was Previously Favored to Get the Gig

My last reason for why Idris Elba should play James Bond is because he’s been attached to it for so long.

In fact, he was listed as the favorite by oddsmakers years ago, and his standing atop the potential James Bond leaderboard hasn’t really wavered.

Seriously, Elba has been among the top favorites to play 007 since as early as 2015.

Okay, it’s come down a bit, but at one point – and for a good amount of time – he was seen as the most likely pick to take over after Daniel Craig exited the franchise.

Why? Because he’s a male British actor, he’s an elite talent, he’s famous, and he has all of the natural gifts needed to crush this role.

Idris Elba was favored to be the next James Bond for a reason, and we shouldn’t ignore that.

Will Idris Elba Be the Next James Bond?

At this point, I doubt it. Idris Elba would be a terrific James Bond. I can already see him in a tuxedo, sipping a martini, talking to beautiful women, and cracking skulls with one hand tied behind his back.

Elba has proven over the course of his career that he’s equipped to star in a massive franchise like this, and he deserves the opportunity.

Unfortunately, I don’t think the studio is going to budge from their stance as far as who Bond is supposed to be or look like. I also don’t know if Elba really feels like being the guy to make that change happen.

Elba is also 50, and he’s suggested that playing Bond would be a bit too similar to playing Luther.

I’ve always said…Wait till we see [Luther] in a movie because I feel like the real estate is the same.

Elba on Luther and Bond being similar characters.

There seems to be enough working against Idris Elba as the next James Bond, but I’d still personally love to see it happen.

What are your thoughts on Elba as Bond? Do you think he’d be a good fit? Will he eventually take on the role? Let’s hear your stance in the comments below!

Greg Anderson


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