Ranking the Best Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies That Deserve to Be Remade


Hollywood loves a good action movie and can’t turn away from remakes.

With Arnold Schwarzenegger still fairly relevant thanks to his Netflix series Fubar getting picked up for a second season, I started thinking which iconic films of his could be worth revisiting.

The list is virtually endless, as the aging action movie superstar has proudly headlined 79 feature films and keeps on going.

You could vouch for 10+ of his flicks, but I’m ranking the very best Arnold Schwarzenegger movies that should be rebooted and why.

The Terminator

The role that made Arnold a superstar deserves a full reboot.

Arnold first scared the living daylights out of everyone as a ruthless killing machine back in 1984, and then returned nearly 20 years later for one of the greatest sequels of all-time.

It was also littered with some of the best one-liners known to man.

The Terminator was pretty flawlessly done in it’s first two renditions, but the franchise made the mistake of hanging onto an aging superstar and pushing out tired action flicks.

The franchise needs a full reboot, and that means cutting ties with Arnold and starting fresh. Arnold will always be the original Terminator, but it’s an awesome franchise with limitless potential.


One of the best Arnold Schwarzenegger movies of all-time has to be Commando.

The 1985 action flick was sandwiched between bigger hits like the aforementioned The Terminator and Predator, but it’s easily just as good.

Arnold really got to freelance more in this action-soaked film, which had him play a retired Special Forces ace in John Matrix, who stops at nothing to save his daughter.

It’s a beefed up Leon: The Professional in a lot of ways, with a sprinkling of Rambo.

Commando is a timeless action classic, but it could be done a bit better.

Given the success of the Taken franchise, this is a missed opportunity if Hollywood doesn’t revisit this 80’s hit.

True Lies

One of Arnold’s more underrated films, True Lies had the perfect blend of action, drama, and comedy.

Arnold was equal parts badass and hilarious in this one, while the concept was also so good that the networks would later greenlight a TV series.

The True Lies show only made it one season before being cancelled, but this perhaps is simply an idea best suited for blockbuster theater.

Arnold admittedly carried the original film, but you could easily restart this franchise with the right lead actor. The blend of action, comedy, and espionage gives this possible Arnold movie remake major upside.

Total Recall

One more Arnold Schwarzenegger movie remake I’d love to see is Total Recall. The original was groundbreaking due to it’s wild ideas, and it delivered some pretty iconic moments.

Few can turn away from a good sci-fi movie, either, as this story is pretty bulletproof as far as ideas go.

Execution and cast is the key here. As much as I love Colin Farrell, he wasn’t really the right fit for the Total Recall remake back in 2012, and that rendition was fairly contrived.

A more authentic, grittier version of this film should be made, with the leading role being handed to someone with stronger presence.

Tom Hardy stands out as an awesome option, while an action star like Chris Hemsworth could also be a great fit to nail the starring role.

If he got it, there’s a good bet this film would join our list of the best Chris Hemsworth movies in no time.

Regardless, the original movie was awesome, and the Total Recall remake fell flat. It’s been almost 12 years since Hollywood tested the waters, so here’s to doing it again with better vision and proper execution.

Other Arnold Schwarzenegger Films That Could Be Rebooted

  • Predator
  • Conan the Barbarian

Here’s two more great Arnold Schwarzenegger movies that could be remade, although they don’t crack my top-5 since they’ve already been touched up.

Jason Momoa picked up the mantle as Conan in 2011, while Predator was reborn in the fabulously done Prey.

That doesn’t mean those Arnold Schwarzenegger films couldn’t be redone again, but I personally would suggest taking some time off before Hollywood circles back again.

Of all the possible Arnold Schwarzenegger movie reboots, Terminator stands out the most for me.

It’s one of the best franchises in Hollywood, but it has been blown to bits with endless (bad) sequels. It arguably needs to just start over completely and building around a new superstar actor as the lead makes a ton of sense.

In fact, we took a look at who will be the next Terminator not too long ago, so there’s definitely a list of viable options to get the ball rolling.

Have a different possible Arnold Schwarzenegger movie sequel you’d prefer to see? Tell us in the comments below.

Greg Anderson


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