5 Best Black Mirror Episodes You Need to Watch First – Joan is Awful and More

Black Mirror smiley face in broken glass

There aren’t many TV shows like Black Mirror. The massive Netflix hit seems to send shockwaves through the entertainment industry with every new season that’s released.

If it isn’t dominating your brain, it’s at least trending all over social media. Those monstrous, mind-bending themes, the technologically-driven rabbit holes, and of course, the jaw-dropping twists – it all makes Black Mirror the brilliant anthology series that it is.

You’re here because you either want to know how other people rank the top Black Mirror episodes, or you simply want to know where to start.

Die hard fans will all rank the best Black Mirror episodes differently, so take our order with a grain of salt. However, if you want to start watching Black Mirror, one of the episodes form our top-five is a heck of a place to start.

5. Joan is Awful (Season 6, Episode 1)

Is it cheating to start with the most recent season when trying to rank the best episodes of Black Mirror?

Call it prisoner of the moment if you will, but I truly felt like Black Mirror season six got off with a record bang, giving us a warped Groundhog Day mind F that we weren’t properly prepared for.

The list of cameos (and surprises) is endless, but the final twist takes things to a whole new level.

A commentary on social judgment and identity rights, Joan is Awful has Black Mirror season six hitting the ground running from the jump. It also goes down as one of the top Black Mirror episodes of all-time.

But just so you don’t label me a victim of recency bias, I won’t put it any further than #5. Not yet, anyways.

4. Nosedive (Season 3, Episode 1)

Black Mirror is no stranger to battering questionable technological choices over our heads, nor does the show waste any time forcing us to re-think everything about our lives in general.

Nosedive tackles both at once, as it presents a satirical take on the impact of social media and the current culture of ratings and instant validation.

Like this. Retweet that. It’s all recorded here, and then some.

Don’t get me wrong, media has a place in society – and social media by itself has it’s perks – but Nosedive shows the ugly side of that world, and the low levels of darkness it could take us to.

Bryce Dallas Howard is the champion of this episode, as she goes full circle to remind us that sometimes who we are – and what we want – was always right there, staring back at us in the mirror.

3. The Entire History of You (Season 1, Episode 3)

One of the more underrated episodes of Black Mirror has us going all the way back to season one.

I’m probably not alone when I say season one had it’s misses (especially episode one), but the third episode might be where the franchise found it’s stride.

This masterpiece drops the user into a world where people can record and replay memories. Characters are spun into webs of jealousy and obsession, with the ever-present theme of technology putting down roots, as well.

Ultimately, fans are faced with the harsh reality that comes with getting too caught up in the past.

Nostalgia is one thing, but when you’re dwelling, you’re not going forward. This episode is an excellent visual aid for anyone not quite sure how to let things go and move on.

2. San Junipero (Season 3, Episode 4)

Seen by many to be the best Black Mirror episode yet, San Junipero actually comes in at #2 for me. Am I getting too cute here and deviating from other Black Mirror episode lists on purpose?

Nope! I just happen to like a different Black Mirror episode better.

Even so, I can still appreciate what many think to be the top Black Mirror episode of all-time, especially when you think about the amazing casting and compelling story.

Black Mirror newbies could get the party started here, assuming they’re ready for a wild love story, some 80s hair, and a deep dive into the afterlife.

1. USS Callister (Season 4, Episode 1)

With USS Callister you get some massive names involved in a cheeky (yet super sophisticated) play on what it would be like to live in a video game.

Okay, so the episode is way more complicated than that, and it’s also filled with several twists and turns you won’t see coming.

Beyond taking virtual reality up a notch, USS Callister also breaks down power dynamics, revenge, punishment, and what it means to be real.

And if that wasn’t enough, just know that you’re in for a soberingly harrowing ending when the lights go out.

There you have it – my list of the best Black Mirror episodes. If you like what you read here and want to trust me, then I’d kick off your Black Mirror journey with USS Callister.

The cast is amazing, the writing is strong, and this episode takes a rather outlandish and familiar topic and turns it on it’s head completely.

It’s the perfect way to introduce yourself to the Black Mirror world, but as noted, any of my top 5 Black Mirror episodes would do the trick, just fine.

Let me know how you like these episodes – and my Black Mirror rankings – in the comments below!

Alex Marps


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