5 Actors That Could Be the Next Superman – Nicholas Hoult and More

Nicholas Hault
Could Nicholas Hault be the next Superman?

The search is on for the next Superman movie actor. Henry Cavill played the role as well as anyone who ever has, but new decision-maker James Gunn officially laid him to rest as the lead actor of the franchise.

Instead, DC will be heading in a very different – and younger – direction.

Nobody can know for sure what that actually means, and we certainly don’t know which actor will play Superman next. All we know if what the role demands; someone that can effectively (and convincingly) wear two very different hats.

Oh, and change inside a phone booth in about three seconds.

But really, a new Superman will be revealed at some point in the not too distant future, and I’m sure every comic book fan wants to know who it’ll be. I’ll offer my Superman prediction to wrap things up, but let’s first look at the five best candidates to play Superman next.

Nicholas Hoult

I do think to correctly predict the next Superman we should have an idea as to what Superman story James Gunn wants to tell.

We don’t have that information readily available, of course, so we just have to go with quality talent that has the looks and ability to pull off this multi-faceted role.

First up is Hoult, who doesn’t necessarily look the part of a brute like Superman, but definitely has the smarts and charm of a Clark Kent. The framework is still there for him to bulk up and be Kal-El, however.

Hoult has already racked up some experience in the comic book realm, too.


Thanks to his acting chops and experience, Hoult was seemingly in serious consideration to star in The Batman.

That didn’t come to fruition, but much like Robert Pattinson crushed that role, I think Hoult could do the same here. The Nicholas Hoult Superman conversation has long been started. It now all hinges on exactly what Gunn and co. are actually looking for.

David Corenswet

Haven’t heard the David Corenswet Superman rumors? Well, they started before I decided to piece this next Superman prediction post together. I’m big enough to admit that.

Still, he is worth highlighting for several reasons.

If you’re searching for a possible Superman actor that really looks the part, it’s hard to ignore Corenswet. Much like Tom Welling did with Smallville, Corenswet legitimately screams Clark Kent/Superman.

Sometimes, you just know. And judging off of looks alone, Corenswet has to be in serious consideration for this role.

He’s also just 29, and appears to be the perfect blend between an assuming rising star like Richard Madden, and a hulking force like, well, Henry Cavill.

Corenswet is not a popular name, but perhaps that’s what Gunn and company go for. The only other issue will be if his acting is up to snuff, and if he can bulk up enough to be a convincing Superman.

The David Corenswet Superman rumors should be taken seriously, though. Finding a better carbon copy for this gig may be difficult.

Austin Butler

Maybe the studios don’t want someone who isn’t established yet. Perhaps they want gasps, and to do that, they could opt to chase down a rising superstar.

Insert Austin Butler, who just showcased his elite acting ability by brining Elvis Presley back to life again.

Butler is another Superman actor pick that would have to pack on some muscle. However, the framework for this Clark Kent/Kal-El is there.

When talking dark features, jaw structure, height, and general intangibles, Butler looks like a solid option.

Will Poulter

I’ll agree, if you only look at his early roles, there’s no way Poulter is a fit as the next Superman actor. Do you remember his turn as a scrawny kid in Meet the Millers?

Because I sure do.

However, he’s beefed up in recent years, and has his own spot in the superhero world thanks to his role in Guardians of the Galaxy.

That led to a pretty convincing gig in the MCU, and suddenly a guy nobody would ever think to cast as Superman is in the running. Poulter has range as an actor, he’s dabbled in the superhero world, and he now has the physique to take on this role.

Whether or not the comic book society would take him seriously based on his past work remains to be seen, of course.

Wolfgang Novogratz

You have to turn over a few rocks when trying to predict who the next Superman actor will be. Per Gunn’s public admissions, you need to consider young talent that may not be a household name, too.

That brings me to my last option to play Superman next; Wolfgang Novogratz.

He’s already a winner in “awesome as hell name” department, but one look at this kid, and he absolutely looks the part. Just check out the fan art that gives us a teaser of how he’d look in this role.

He’s a towering 6’3″, he has dark features, he has a disarming smile, and yet he’s already got the build to work with when talking about an unstoppable alien.

I know the name is tough to get around, and there’s no denying that Wolfgang isn’t a fully established Hollywood star. But that’s often been the case when the studio decision-makers cast massive roles, and the aesthetics are hard to ignore here.

Will Wolfgang Novogratz be the new Superman? Only time will tell. However, he very well may be the exact right guy for the job.

Who Will Play Superman Next?

There are a lot of options to consider – some not even in this post – but I think I’ve come to my new Superman prediction.

I didn’t want to make a list of potential Superman actors with a set number in mind. I did look at a lot of actors while considering my top picks to take over this iconic, role, too.

That led me to cut away from some of my own favorites that admittedly might not make sense, and I’m also not super high on some big names that have floated around.

Seriously, I have seen Michael B. Jordan, Oscar Isaac, and Jacob Elordi grace a lot of Superman actor lists.

That isn’t to say they’re bad choices. However, Jordan and Isaac are probably too old for what Gunn wants to do, and I personally don’t think Elordi looks tough enough to accurately portray Kal-El.

Of course, maybe I’m just wrong there, especially if Gunn decides to start super early in Superman’s story.

While I could be wrong, the seven potential Superman actors above are my personal favorites to get the nod. But who is the pick? I think it’s a bit early in the process, but my personal favorite to play Superman next is Wolfgang Novogratz.

And who knows, maybe he’ll find himself high atop our Superman actor rankings one day.

Of course, you could go a bit older. You could aim for more proven star power. Experience isn’t where some would prefer, either. But Wolfgang Novogratz has the look of a Clark Kent and Superman, he’s young, and he’s a rising star.

Make it happen, James Gunn.

Like my next Superman prediction? Have some ideas of your own for who will don the red cape and blue tights next? Let’s hear it in the comments below!

Greg Anderson


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