6 Actors That Could Be the New Joker – Who Will Be the Next Clown Prince of Crime?

Joker dark knight wallpaper art
  • With James Gunn rebooting the entire DCU, a new Joker could be on it’s way.
  • Willem Dafoe has been a fan favorite casting and would make an amazing Joker.
  • Another big name who could be a stellar Joker in his prime is Jake Gyllenhaal.

Walking in the shoes of iconic characters played by legends is never easy. It’s only made more difficult when that character comes from a world revered by comic book fans.

Naturally, there’s good reason for excitement and criticism every time talk of a new Joker actors pops up. And why wouldn’t it? We have seen a handful of truly amazing renditions – all unique in their own way – and one extremely forgettable turn.

That’s the danger in taking on a bad guy everyone can’t help but love. You need to find the perfect mixture of authenticity, campiness, and pure evil – but you can’t go over the top.

With news that the DC universe will be blasted to the moon and redone from left to right, the search has to be on for who will be the next Joker. Joaquin Phoenix crushed it in his take (and will be trying to do so again), and Barry Keoghan’s teased attempt left us wanting more.

But James Gunn is going to have his own crack at this dark superhero universe. He’s nearing an announcement for who will play Batman next, and I’d imagine a new Joker would come shortly after.

That means we should be talking about the next Joker actor. If you’re wondering who it’ll be, join me as I break down my five favorite casting options.

Willem Dafoe

Obviously Joaquin Phoenix is the current Joker we’re all getting used to, and the most recent actor to portray the devilishly delightful Batman villain in the DCU was Jared Leto.

Long-term, however, neither of these guys will be the man in the purple suit in James Gunn’s new vision. That has us on looking at a few interesting options to play the Joker next.

One could be Dafoe, who has long been connected to the role of the Clown Price of Crime, and has even expressed interest in stretching his trademark smile on the big screen.

Of course, Dafoe would be an older version of the Joker than we’ve ever seen. Then again, there are reports the new Batman Gunn gives us will also be a bit older.

Dafoe is nearing 70 years of age, and it stands to reason that any Joker reboot at this point would highlight the villain in his prime.

Regardless, Dafoe could provide a rather seasoned approach, and he’d satisfy a lot of fan’s appetite for an iconic actor to take us down a dark, winding road we never though was possible.

Bill Skarsgard

If we don’t go with an aged baddie like Dafoe, perhaps we start fresh with someone a bit more suited to pick up the baton and run with it for several years.

Skarsgard jumps off the page as a real option to be the next Joker. Not only does he have wit, charm, and an unassuming approach, but he also has a dark side he can easily tap into. I mean, the guy did play Pennywise, after all.

There is something incredibly disarming about Skarsgard, and yet he can harness pure evil with little effort. That is troubling in the real world because of how relatable it can be, and that’s exactly what makes him perhaps the most terrorizing Joker yet.

Whoever plays the Joker next may be asked to be a bit more human, but also carry the ability to be a total psycho at the same time.

Few offer the crazed eyes of a lunatic and yet the boyish charm Skarsgard can bring to the table, and that package could make him the perfect Joker casting for years to come.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Dafoe is a huge name and Skarsgard is probably a dream casting to be the next Joker, but Gyllenhall might offer the best of both worlds. I know the Jake Gyllenhall Joker rumors aren’t running wild, but hear me out.

He’s far younger than Dafoe, and he’s admittedly even more charming and disarming than Skarsgard can be.

And what might make him even more convincing as an evil psychopath who laughs in the face of horror? The fact that he doesn’t at all look like someone who would fill those shoes.

That doesn’t mean he couldn’t rise to the occasion, though, and we saw it firsthand when Gyllenhaal unraveled in the riveting Nightcrawler.

Gyllenhaal still has youth on his side, he’s a massive Hollywood superstar, and he has the acting range to knock this role out of the park. He’s even been loosely connected to this exact role in the past, while he’s already dipped his toe into the comic book movie realm before.

We’re checking all of the boxes here, folks. The question would just be if Gunn and co. felt the same about Gyllenhaal playing Joker.

Hugh Dancy

The Hugh Dancy Joker connection has been made in the past, but it’s been fairly faint.

Now that we have three big names in the running to be the next Joker, let’s take a mild step back to another viable option, but one perhaps not everyone would think of.

I’m thinking of Hugh Dancy, who actually played this role without even knowing it when he beautifully and eerily portrayed a corrupted cult leader in The Path.

Dancy has since seen his star rise in Hollywood with roles in Homeland, The Good Fight, and Law & Order, but for me, he proved his worth in the Hulu hit, and would be perfect as the next big screen Joker.

If Hollywood prefers a more grounded and human version of the Joker so we can see that realistic descent into madness, Dancy has showcased the ability to peel back the right layers.

Christoph Waltz

Okay, back to seasoned madness, we go. If Gunn actually does want a veteran to don the clown makeup – but isn’t enthralled with Dafoe – he can drop down slightly in age, but go with a bigger star in Waltz.

I don’t think Waltz offers the obviously maniacal traits Dafoe possesses, but maybe that’s precisely what would make him more captivating. Waltz doesn’t fully look the part, but there is insanity in composure, to be sure.

Waltz knows how to play a wicked man with sophistication, as we saw in Inglourious Basterds.

There is real darkness to be had with Waltz, who still also has the charm and smarts to keep you on the edge of your seat, as well as a borderline redeeming characteristic that almost keeps you on his side.

Well, not when he’s a Nazi, but you get the idea.

Whatever the case, Christoph Waltz’s Joker would be an older version, and one that is pretty sophisticated. Think Hannibal meets crazed psychopath. Maybe that’s still the same thing. No matter, if Hollywood wants an older Joker, Waltz can pull it off.

Rami Malek

Want to go younger when trying to figure out who will play the Joker next? Let’s drop down to Malek, who offers a unique look, dialed in focus, elite acting range, and restrained insanity, all in one tight package.

Malek has pretty much done it all, and he might offer the sweet spot Gunn and company ultimately are looking for.

Maybe that’s a massive name with undeniable talent, someone just the right age, and a star with unique physical traits that makes him quickly standout from his surroundings.

I’d say Malek hits it on the head with all of those requirements, while we know for a fact he can handle difficult assignments.

While his acting ability isn’t at all in doubt thanks to an Oscar won for his work as legendary Queen front man Freddie Mercury, it’s his erratic turns in Mr. Robot and No Time to Die that make him a great Joker casting.

Let the Rami Malek for Joker hype train commence!

Who Will Be the Next Joker?

It’s high time I arrive to a new Joker prediction, is it not?

As things stand, there are technically two different Jokers in action. Joaquin Phoenix is set to pick up where he left off in a Joker sequel, while it remains to be seen if Barry Keoghan will reprise his role in The Batman II.

I still think the recipe is there for Barry Keoghan’s Joker to be the best yet, but James Gunn has said neither Joker or The Batman are going to be disconnected from the greater DC Universe.

Instead, they’re seen as worthwhile Elseworld projects on the DC ledger.

While they get to exist and do their own thang, that means Gunn and the big DC decision-makers have other plans for who will play the Joker in the future.

If I had a vote, I’d argue for Bill Skarsgard to take on the famous role.

Skarsgard is really the total package here. He can give us a different Joker origin story if we so choose. He can pick up from anywhere in any timeline without missing a beat. He can produce a grounded, realistic version of the Joker, or he can be a more campy version.

Whatever the case, he has the goods to be extremely convincing in this role, and also flat out good. I hope the new Joker is the right fit, whether I am right or wrong, though.

Got a favorite actor you’d like to see play the Joker next? Let me hear it in the comments below!

Greg Anderson


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