5 TV Shows Like Lost You Should Watch Next to Cure Your Mystery Thriller Itch


Anytime a TV show spawns spin offs within the original show’s universe, you know you have something special.

That’s precisely what Breaking Bad did. It not only gave way to a feature film, but gave fans a spin off in Better Call Saul that some regard as even better than the series it originated from.

The interest has gone nowhere, either, as more Breaking Bad spin off ideas keep popping up.

That got me to thinking about other hit series that deserve a return trip to their universe. Or at least one that die hard fans can’t quite quit.

Lost comes to mind as a massive show that could eventually see it’s universe reapproached in some capacity. I don’t know if a Lost season 7 will happen, but returning to this universe in some capacity has to be considered.

Of course, until/unless that happens, all fans have are the original series, or trying to hunt down shows similar to Lost.

That’s a difficult plight, but I’m up for the task. If you’re on the hunt for shows like Lost, I’ve got a few that fit the bill.

The Wilds (2020)

If you’re looking for a TV series like Lost, I would imagine you’d want a familiar theme. One way to go about that is to find quality TV shows that deal with a bunch of people getting stuck on a deserted island.

Like any show about a bunch of survivors on an abandoned island, The Wilds is immensely character driven, and does a good job to not get too swallowed up by it’s inherent mystery.

There are thrills every step of the way, however, as you dive into character arcs, motives, conspiracy, and much more.

It’s run ended in 2022, but this is without a doubt one of the best shows like Lost if you’re looking for a familiar setting.

Yellowjackets (2021)

Sticking with the theme of being stranded and left for dead, let’s get even weirder with Yellowjackets.

Much like Lost, we get flashbacks and flash forwards intertwining in this show, while there is a lot to unpack with a slew of very unique characters.

Lost had it’s weirdness with The Others and the mystery of the island. Yellowjackets has it’s horror element, a disgusting flirtation with cannibalism, and a mysterious lingering evil presence.

When combining intriguing characters with mystery and cheap thrills, Yellowjackets may be the best show like Lost you’ll find.

The Leftovers (2014)

Not every TV series similar to Lost has to have the setting of a deserted island or feature a plane crash.

Lost was ultimately more than that, as it leaned hard on complex characters, elite story-telling, and the slow unraveling of some truly engrossing mysteries.

That’s where Leftovers compares nicely. Starring Justin Theroux and featuring a cast of underrated characters, this HBO hit explores what life would be like if a good chunk of the world’s population disappeared.

The series explores the fight for those who remain, as they either struggle to move on with their loved ones gone, or they’re seeking a way to find them again.

Even better? Lost was always a “more than meets the eye” type of show, and The Leftovers definitely can be filed under that category.

You never truly know where the show is going, and it all wraps up neatly with a satisfying ending.

Manifest (2018)

In the interest of full transparency, I will admit I don’t actually like Manifest. It’s a pretty cool idea, but it’s executed haphazardly, and a lot of the acting is over the top.

That may be why the show was originally cancelled, but the content was so engrossing that fans found a way to get one more season produced.

While definitely not carried out as well as one would hope, you get another compelling TV show like Lost where you have something happen to a plane.

Exactly what happens to the plane and everything that follows is impossible to explain with just one deep breath, and I’d be giving away too much.

Just go in with low expectations, and you just might enjoy yourself.

Westworld (2016)

The underlying theme when trying to find TV series similar to Lost is programming that simply can’t be fit snugly into a box.

You think you have Westworld figured out as you proceed through the first season; people can go play with androids, but the androids can’t play back.

Until they do, of course, and then you start opening a pretty inviting can of worms. Just what exactly does it mean to be human, and how far down does the rabbit hole go?

There are Matrix-like elements at play here, but the worlds, characters, and stories being created and unfolding through several seasons constantly keep us guessing.

Other TV Shows Like Lost to Watch

  • Dark (2017)
  • Persons Unknown (2010)
  • La Brea (2021)

To be frank, there are honestly quite a few TV shows like Lost. However, I didn’t want to just list off every single show that is similar to one of the mostic iconic series of all-time.

Instead, I wanted to point you to a few shows that are pretty captivating or share several similarities with the original series.

More than anything, I am hoping to send Lost fans to a new series they can enjoy.

Rounding out my breakdown of Lost tv show alternatives will be La Brea, Persons Unknown, and Dark.

Dark is a critically acclaimed masterpiece on Netflix. You can dive into some time travel themes here much like Lost did, although the concept isn’t that much like what we saw with Lost.

La Brea arguably is in the sense that it creates a pretty wild new world for everyone to embrace, while Persons Unknown takes regular people and forces them to re-think reality.

Ultimately, there’s no replacing or replicating Lost. But if you like Lost, the shows I’ve detailed should be of interest to you at some level.

Got more TV shows like Lost you feel should be added here? Let me know about them in the comments below!

Rex Ferder


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